David Ruth Glass Studio, Oakland. October 2022
Map designed by Ben Goosman
Kinetech Arts has been immersed in a three year research on AI history and its impact on humanity. Sublimation is the culmination of this research, which inspired the creation of installations, performances, texts, interactive sound devices, AI diaries and site-specific dance performances.
Photos by JingJing Liu
Sublimation explores the transitory nature of modern time and technology. It asks the centuries old question of how technology impacts humans, but under the light of AI (Artificial Intelligence), which is advancing unimaginably quickly, as Moore’s law predicts. Its exponential growth of doubling every two years is certain to bring unimaginable transformations.
Taking from the playbook of today’s information-overloaded world, this experience is composed of multiple overlapping threads of dances, installations, images and soundscapes, both inside and outside of the large warehouse.
During the performance, the performers inquire into this curious trend: while machines become more intelligent, humans become more disembodied. It is a paradox that the progress of technology made it possible for us to travel around the globe, but we are progressively becoming more disconnected from our own bodies and from each other.
The audience is invited to freely walk through the warehouse to witness all installations and performances, making choices and curating their own experience.
David Ruth Glass Studio locates in the Eastern Oakland. Working together, we transformed the work shop studio into a site-specific performative space. Many props and sets were repurposed from the tools Mr. Ruth uses for creating his human size scale sculptures. Like, kiln he made over the time, polishing machine, forklift tower, and a instrument from NASA that were used to position satellite in 1960’s.
Behind the Ring with Kat Lin
Behind the Ring
A view from behind the hair and ring. In the drive way outside of the studio. In the performance, the audience gets to view from outside.
Thanks to our volunteers Verena, Madeleine, Maya, Alice, Alex, Thom, Nikko, Glenna, Shih-wen, Thom Lauret Nikko Sacramento, and many others for all your support and for believing in our mission.
SUBLIMATION is supportedby the Djerassi Resident Artists Program, David Ruth Glass Sculpture Studio and the Creative Work Fund, a program of The Walter and Elise Haas Fund supported by a generous grant from the Hewlett Foundation.